The Oracle Course: The Essential Course in Intuition and Vision
An Eight-Session Online Course with Jennifer Posada
If it has always been your dream to walk as an awakened Oracle, clear and able to call forth vision and guidance at will, trusting in your abilities to do so and the universe itself, pulsing with the knowing of the cosmos, then this is the course for you…
This is the gateway…the gateway into the inner sanctum of the Oracle within you. This is a full discourse and training on learning to receive vision, connecting with guides, entering altered states, discovering your foundation for doing this work, and learning how to access profound insight at any time…
You will also learn to use discernment and more deeply trust your intuitive gifts, and to more directly access past lives, the voice of the body, and how to reconnect with your ancient gifts.
Learn the methods of the ancient Oracles in accessing and interpreting vision, and have a place to practice and share your experiences in this comprehensive course. You will walk away with a full set of tools for accessing profound life guidance…
Open up the worlds within, and access the information and memory of your own ancient Soul. Perhaps most profoundly, find the encouragement and inspiration waiting in the hearts of your fellow Oracles and Visionaries. An experience to remember and re-access for a lifetime…
The Eight Oracle Course Sessions:
Introduction to Intuition, Oracles and Self-Love
Discover the path of the Oracle, and a history of Oracles around the world throughout time. Understand the Oracle within you, and how to begin to access this deep knowingness, or access it more fully if you are already connected. Receive the rich teachings on Self-Love as the “tripod” and foundation for all intuitive exploration….
Heart’s Desire and Altered States
Receive teachings on the second two of five keys of accessing intuition and visionary states, heart’s desire as the primary magnetic force, and altered states as lubrication for moving between the worlds…essential pieces for successful inner journeys. Learn how to more easily access your heart’s desire, and a simple but powerful practice to enter altered states for intuitive exploration…
Imagination and Pulling the Thread
Discover the power of imagination and it’s crucial role in visionary experiences. Understand how to discern between imagination and true vision. Understand why the final of the five keys, “pulling the thread,” makes all the difference in fluidly accessing your intuitive skills and abilities…
The Inner Library (The Akashic Records)
Use the five keys to take a guided visionary journey to what Jennifer calls, “The Inner Library”…also known as the Akashic Records, or “place” where all the information in the universe is recorded and can be accessed. Clear up some common myths and pitfalls about accessing information this way, and use your new or deepened skills to access the Inner Library at any time you’d like forever afterward…
Talking to Beings and Guides
Learn about the difference between beings and guides, and how to find yours and build or deepen a relationship with them. Use your new or enriched skills to be able to have profound conversations with them that always, as Jennifer says, “simply lead you back to your own heart’s wisdom.” Learn skills of psychic protection. Hear about why Jennifer recommends establishing deep relationships with your close guides first to build skill, comfort and trust…
The Body
Remember the essential and beautiful role of the body in intuitive exploration and deep knowingness. Understand how the body itself contains all the answers and the knowing even beyond answers, and serves as the vessel for every journey we will take while on earth. Know how to feel more embodied, increase health and well-being, and how to communicate with the wisdom of the body for profound insight…
Past Lives and Ancient Gifts
Receive a full discourse on the power and place of past lives in our current life. Learn how and when past life information can be most potent, and how to smoothly remember the relevant lifetimes in each step of your journey for incredible revelation and empowerment. Have access to the greater wisdom of your entire soul journey and the many ancient gifts to be found there…
The Oracle Life
Find out what it means to live a guided life, and to access the trust beyond the need to know that is also deep within knowingness where the purest wisdom lies. Discover how to remain nourished and continually inspired on your path as an Oracle, and receive support and encouragement specific to the experience of being guided by your own heart at all times…
How and where does this course take place?
This is an online course that is available 24 hours a day…and though it is meant to be taken over eight weeks, you can move at your own pace and have access to this information for a lifetime! Course content will be available on a members-only website via video and audio recordings, also available for download.
Why register right now?
Though you can register for this course at any time, signing up right now begins your journey of deeper intuition, and begins to change each day of your life so beautifully from today forward… And since you can listen in your own right timing after registering, right now is a perfect time to start!…
Who is this course best for?
This course is amazing for people of all genders, cultural backgrounds, and ages. It is equally fortifying and revolutionary for those who are new to their intuitive abilities and those who are already very experienced with these gifts. There are always new levels to be reached, experienced and enjoyed, and wherever you are in life there will be new ways to blossom as never before with the material in this course…
You will receive as a part of this Course:
- An introductory audio and 8 weekly sessions by audio recording, including the teaching for each week and a closing sound healing session (60-90 minutes per session)
- A Q & A Recording to supplement each session (60-90 minutes)
- PDFs with optional weekly explorations and suggested exercises for the time between sessions
- Access to this material indefinitely!
- Recordings of each session can be downloaded and listened to on the device of your choice!
This is an 8-part course available around the world at the online Oracle School & Community
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