Revival Techniques: Emergency Medicine for Sports & Martial Arts – Tom Bisio
This class presents the theory and practice of revival principles, acupuncture points and methods for a wide variety of martial arts and sport injuries as well as emergency situations such as Qi shock, syncope (fainting), heart attack, stroke, drowning and breathlessness. A priceless part of traditional emergency medicine, many of these principles are rarely taught outside of martial traditions. The theory and practice of revival principles are presented systematically, and the more complex protocols are introduced. Herbal formula for revival from shock, summer heatstroke and desertion of Yang are also presented.
This course includes a 27 page article: Vital Points, Revival Methods and Chinese Medicine by Tom Bisio
Goals & Objectives
- Students will understand and the theory of revival principles, including their contraindications.
- Students identify the mechanism of Qi shock and its symptoms.
- Students will learn how to treat Qi shock.
- Students will learn how and when to apply revival principles for a wide variety of situations ranging from blows to the solar plexus and groin to choking, drowning, stroke, heart attack and syncope.
- Students will be able to use and apply herbal revival formula.
Are you interested in? Revival Techniques: Emergency Medicine for Sports & Martial Arts – Tom Bisio Download, emergency medicine for sports, sports medicine for the emergency physician, emergency medicine events, emergency medicine shows, emergency medicine club ideas.
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