Michael Hall – How Meta States Enriches Logical Levels In Nlp
Michael Hall’s Articles And Essay Collection. How Meta-States Enriches Logical Levels In NLPL. Michael Hall, Ph.D. People want to know. At least people well-trained in the NLP model want to know. I find it everywhere. Without fail wherever I present the Introductory workshop on Meta-States, “Accessing Personal Genius,” I am repeatedly asked about the relationship between Meta-States and the Neuro-Logical Levels model. Just this past month it happened recently in Monterrey Mexico, in Moscow Russia, in Sydney Australia. “So what’s the difference between Meta-States and the ‘Neuro-Logical Levels’ of Robert Dilts?”
“Meta-States seems more inclusive and less rigid than the ‘Neuro-Logical Levels,’ is that right?”
“I find it hard to shift from what I know about logical levels, that is, thinking about them as fixed and in a hierarchical ladder to the more dynamic way that Meta-States presents them. How can I make this shift?”
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