Every year Dr. Fuhrman hosts a health vacation at the award-winning resort. In this 10 DVD set, join Dr. Fuhrman on his health getaway at the Rancho Bernado getaway in California. Dr. Fuhrman’s lectures include: 1. Understand the core concept; 2. Understand hunger and food addiction; 3. Prescription for healthy bone&muscle; 4. Skinny about fat;5. Reversing heart disease and diabetes; 6. Cooking for health. 7. Cancer prevention. 8. Disease specific nutritional recommendations. 9. Open a forum question. 10. Nutritionists share their experience; John McKee, co-founder & co-CEO, healthy eating revolution with the whole food market
Health and medical courses
More about health care:
Medicine is a science and practice that establishes the diagnosis, prognosis, treatment and Prevention of diseases.
Medical science encompasses various health care practices that are evolved to maintain and restore health through the prevention and treatment of disease.
Modern medicine applies biomedical science, biomedical research, genetics, and medical technology to diagnose, treat, and prevent injuries and diseases,
Typically, through medicines or surgery, as well as through various therapies such as psychotherapy, external splint and traction, medical devices, biologics, and ionizing radiation.
Medicine has been around for thousands of years, most of which it was the art (the area of skill and knowledge) with frequent connections to religion
Philosophical beliefs of local culture. For example, a medicine man would apply herbs and say a prayer for healing, or ancient philosophers and doctors would apply bloodshed according to the theory of humor.
In recent centuries, since the advent of modern science, most Medicine has become a combination of art and Science(under the umbrella of medicine, basic and applied).
Suturing techniques are an art learned through practice,but knowledge of what happens at the cellular and molecular levels of tissue during suturing comes from science.
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