Emotional Genetics Workshop by Renowned International Holistic Facilitator Dr. Yuvraj Kapadia!
Emotional Genetics is a workshop aimed to focus on the set of beliefs and emotional programs inherited through generation to generation. Our parents play a pivotal role in fashioning our beliefs our responses, and to a great extent our entire attitude to life. In this process, we are influenced by their issues, and unfulfilled desires, which end up clouding us from discovering our own unique identity. As we move forward, these facets start influencing us in very subtle ways and inevitably through us off track or destabilize our own grounding in life.
This empowering session aims at weeding out all those toxic patterns, which may have indirectly crept into our system for our own purpose of learning and growth.
This workshop will help every parent and child evolve out of these programs by giving you an understanding through exploring a deeper wisdom/synchronicity, which influences our choice of parenting.
Based on this understanding we can also evolve a set of internal guidelines about what we need to do to ensure that our children in turn get exposed to their own self-empowered best through enriching parenting.
The goal is to achieve balance and resolution in our sacred space.
In this workshop the participants shall understand:
1.) Parental Influence on Core Programs and Beliefs – identify inherited beliefs, which are blocking you.
2.) A Deeper and Meaningful incite into why we chose those parents for the soul perspective
3.) A Healing Resolution to unresolved parental issues
4.) Integrating all our lost energies to return back to our original complete self.
Get Emotional Genetics – Yuvraj Kapadia, Only Price $29
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